Saturday, December 31, 2005
Flood-Gates open wide to Massive Bubble Wealth
2005 was a great year for Bill Gates as he sold nearly $2 BILLION in Microsoft stock for the year. GULP! That could only happen in an incredibly massive bubble. Yes, that's ONE YEAR's worth of sales. But insider sales of less than $50 Million by Ted Waitt of Gateway computers actually gets more press. Perhaps because Gateway is more likely headed for Bankruptcy than Microsoft (at least in the near term)! Go figure.......
BUT WOW! TWO BILLION DOLLARS IN A YEAR! That's approximately the GROSS annual median income of 60,000 Americans. Perhaps this will put it in some perspective: $228,310 per hour / 24 hours a day for 365 days = $2 BILLION
WOW!!! That's an incredibly staggering sum of money for the worlds richest man to "cash in". What does he know that buyers don't? Hmmmmm... I think it's a pretty safe bet that Microsoft will continue to trade "heavy" and more than likely head to my long term target of $7 to $9 per share by 2008 - 2009.............
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